Tucson Dead Animal Removal, Pima County

Call us: 520-367-2819

Welcome to Tucson Dead Animal Removal! We are an animal control company specializing in the permanent removal of dead animals from your home, attic, basement, walls, or yard in Pima County, Arizona. Note, we are not a free city or county service. We are a private company. Having dead animals on your property or in your house is not a situation you want to be in. Carcasses attract flies and give off terrible smells, not to mention the diseases rotting flesh can cause. Finding the animal is often a challenge, but we cut out the wall or ceiling if necessary to access the dead body. Whenever we remove dead animals, we use 100% safe methods and make sure to disinfect your home and get rid of all traces of odor. Call us 24/7 at 520-367-2819 to schedule an appointment the same day or the next. We aren't considered Tucson's best dead animal removal company for nothing! You can check out our Tucson dead animal removal prices. Some of the services we offer include:

  • 100% Complete Dead Animal Removal
  • Foul Odor Diagnosis
  • Full Property Inspections
  • House Damage Repairs
  • Carcass Disposal
  • Cleanup & Decontamination Services
  • Deodorization Services
  • Dead rat, dead dog, dead cat, dead deer, etc.

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CALL US ANYTIME AT 520-367-2819

Tucson dead animal removal

We are Tucson's experts in dead animal removal, and take our job seriously. When removing dead animals in Arizona, we do a COMPLETE job — not only do we remove the dead animal from your home or yard, we also decontaminate the area, deodorize it, and dispose the animal. We are specialists in Tucson smell removal and odor control. If you aren't sure whether the stench in your house is due to a rotting carcass or another reason, we can sniff it out with our noses from our years of experience. We completely solve your dead animal problem by taking these steps:

  • Sniff out the dead animal if it is somewhere in your home
  • When necessary, for example if the animal is in a wall or under your house, cut a hole to remove the animal
  • Remove the dead animal, safely and completely (and seal the hole if needed)
  • Finish the job by decontaminating and deodorizing your home
  • Properly dispose of the dead animal through incineration or other means

What Prices Do We Charge?

Every situation is different: Is the dead animnal indoors or outdoors? Do we need to cut a hole and repair? Call us and we can give pricing for your specific situation.

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We removed dead rats and mice. We remove dead raccoons and opossums. We even remove dead pets when necessary. We can remove a dead dog or a dead cat from your home or property and properly cremate the animal. We can remove large animals, such as a dead deer on your property. We don't generally remove roadkill in Tucson. Search for roadkill removal in Tucson to find the correct source. But there is no free dead animal removal in Tucson for a carcass on your property or in your home. If you have a bad smell in your house, a decaying animal is a good guess, especially if you've had a pest control company that poisoned rodents. But all animals die, and many of them do so in houses, or under your shed, or deck, or porch, or attic, or crawlspace. We are the experts that can remove it and make the smell go away!

Tucson dead animal tip of the month: Does a dead animal carcass cause flies? - A dead animal carcass does not cause flies, so to speak, but it can draw flies to a home and then facilitate the appearance of more flies. In nature, flies are one of the creatures involved in the decomposition process of organic material. Not only do flies live on the product of decomposition, they use carcasses to lay their eggs, more widely known as maggots. Maggots will eat organic tissue as they grown and morph into adult flies, so if you have an animal carcass around, chances are it's going to be the host of a few hundred maggots at some time or another. This is not always the case; for flies to be present, there must first be a fly that comes in contact with the animal body. Bodies in the walls of a home may not experience this, or the atmosphere may be too dry or cold for flies. If you're seeing an abundance of flies around your home, however, a dead animal or decaying plant could be to blame. Follow your nose and see if you can detect something of this nature.