Why Do Animals Die Inside A House?

One of the most frustrating things to deal with if you are a home owner is having to find and remove an animal that has died inside your property, and it certainly isn't a pleasant job at the best of time. There are many reasons that could cause an animal to die inside your house, and this can have an impact on where in the property that you may actually find the carcass of the animal. When it comes to dealing with the problem, it is important that you deal with the dead animal promptly, as the decaying flesh of the animal will attract flies and other pest animals, while the smell will also become increasingly unpleasant.

Poison And Trapping

A common reason that will lead to people finding a dead animal inside their property is if they have been trying to deal with an animal problem, and the method of killing these animals will dictate how easy it is to deal with. Trapping can make it fairly straightforward to deal with the dead animal, as you know where you will have placed the traps and where to look for the dead animal.

Poison is a route that many people will use to try and deal with pest animals such as rats and mice. The problem with this is that you won't be able to dictate where in the property the animal will die, meaning it may be the smell of a long dead animal that will indicate you have a carcass in the house.

Age And Ill Health

In some cases, where a nest or colony of animals has become established in a property, then it is possible for an animal to die there of old age, although in truth the majority of pest animals don't die in this way. Disease is however a major threat for animals, and with rats, raccoons and all manner of other animals often carrying several diseases, then it is possible that these conditions can kill these animals. It is also worth noting that because of this risk then it is important that you do take the appropriate precautions when you are dealing with the carcass, and that you also dispose of it safely.

Accidental Deaths

Although there are relatively few deaths that come from accidents, it is not entirely unheard of as there are many risks for animals to be found in the domestic property, and their nature means they often won't understand these risks. Many rodents will naturally gnaw, so one such way that these animals may be killed is by gnawing the plastic cover from a live electric wire, and then be electrocuted by the wire. There are also plenty of other hazards such as water tanks and chemicals in containers that can also kill animals around your home.

Removing An Animal Carcass From Your Property

The first steps to take before starting to remove the animal is to get the right precautions, and this will include long sleeved clothing and gloves, as direct contact with the carcass can put you at risk of being bitten by parasites. You should also wear a mask over your mouth to protect you from any airborne particles that can also transmit disease

You should be able to place the carcass of the dead animal directly into a thick garbage bag, although in some cases where it is decayed, a trowel or paint scraper can help you to pick up and move the carcass. Double bag the dead animal, and then dispose of it. The preferred method is to incinerate the carcass which will kill any remaining diseases, while smaller animals like rats or mice can be put out in your garbage.

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